

8418 Uppsatser om Theater theory and history - Sida 1 av 562

Teater för försoning: Hur forumteater kan användas som metod för att främja psykosocial försoning

Theatre is often seen as an act to entertain or provoke, however the main argument of this paper is that theatre also can be seen as a process to build peace. This study focuses on and explores how artistic processes, such as Forum Theatre developed by Augusto Boal, can be used as a method to promote psychosocial reconciliation in war-shattered areas. With the use of Forum Theatre the spectators becomes the spect-actors, the subjects that act and not the objects that are acted upon. Subjects that are encouraged to try and find solutions to social problems by acting out possible solutions and evaluating them. By analyzing how a number of organizations have worked with Forum Theater on the Balkans and with a theoretical approach combining Homi K.

Med överlevnad som bonus : fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier

Background: The theater market has matured ? supply now exceeds demand. Government funds are on a decrease, replaced by other means of financing. The city of Stockholm will be introducing a bonus system that will benefit independent theater groups that succeed to increase their revenue and attendance. Hence, the audience will play an even greater role, a tendency some free theater groups come to terms with by interacting with the audience to create value.Thesis statement: What factors lead to the long-term survival of the independent theater groups, allowing them to benefit from the imminent bonus system?Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups, in reference to their capability of long-term survival through value creation along with the audience, thereby increasing attendance and ticket revenue.Methodology: The study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods.

Religiös teater eller erotisk skulptur? : En studie av hur skulpturgruppen Heliga Teresas extas och Cornarokapellet beskrivits och använts i konsthistorisk litteratur

Religious theater or erotic sculpture? A study of how the sculpture group Ecstasy of Saint Teresaand the Cornaro chapel have been described and used in literature of art history.This study aims to investigate how the sculpture group Ecstasy of Saint Teresa and the Cornarochapel has been written about and presented in literature about art history. The method has been tostudy literature, to visit the Cornaro chapel, and to make comparisons between pictures, texts andown experiences.The questions set out to be answered was; How has the Cornaro chapel and the Ecstasy of SaintTeresa been described and interpreted in literature of art history? What kind of pictures are beingused to illustrate the chapel? What is in focus and what is withheld in the presentation of the chapel,in text and in pictures? Is it possible to see a change, in how art historians write about the Cornarochapel, over time?Reading and comparing the texts and pictures that illustrates the literature, makes visible how thebaroque period, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Teresa av Avila and the Cornaro chapel has been presented inthe chosen literature, and answered the questions.The similarities between the Cornaro chapel and a theater stage, Bernini's interest in the theaterand his devout Catholicism, as well as the Counter-reformation's use of art to reach their goal ofmaking people more devout to Catholicism, is in focus. The erotic overtones in the sculpture groupare being withheld as well as Bernini's personality.

Information som spelar en roll : En studie i teaterhögskolestudenters informationsbehov

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to examine the information needs and behavior of Swedish theater students. The aim is to get an increased insight into how theater students search and use information as they create their character roles and also to examine how the information seeking is integrated in the creative process. The findings of this study have been made through qualitative data gathered from five interviews with six theater students who are studying at the Swedish Theater Academy. These students studied between autumn term of 2014 and spring term of 2015. To analyze the result of the interviews four different theories? have been used, Carol Kuhlthau?s information search process model, Lars Höglund and Olle Perssons model of four domains, Lars Höglund and Olle Perssons information search barriers and Tom Wilson?s model of information behavior.

Lärare som ledare : Teachers as Leaders

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

Läromedelsanalys utifrån ett historiemedvetande och genusperspektiv : En studie av historieläroböcker från 1970-80-90-2000-talen

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

"Det jag gör, det är jag" - Om könens olika utbildning på teaterhögskolan

Vi hör ofta att vi har kommit långt i jämställdhetsfrågan i Sverige och på många punkter har vi det också. Men på andra kan man tro att vi fortfarande lever kvar i 1800-talet. Ett exempel är de svenska teaterscenerna. En stor del av pjäserna som spelas på de statliga scenerna runt om i landet är klassiker, pjäser skrivna i början av 1900-talet och innan. Och rollerna blir därefter.


Uppsatsen handlar om cineliteracy; att öka sin kompetens att tillgodogöra sig rörliga bilder. Jag undersöker huruvida brittiska filminstitutets femstegsmetod är en fungerande modell för att stimulera elevernas lärandeprocess av komplex film. Som exempel använder jag mig av Jacques Tatis film Play Time..

En skådespelares arbete under utbildningen

Utgångspunkten för min uppsats har varit en dokumentation av ett rollarbete på skolan, en slags dagbok. För att få innehållet i uppsatsen så autentiskt som möjligt har jag valt att inte göra några förändringar i efterhand. Jag har under skrivandets gång dragit en hel massa slutsatser och skulle jag efter alla de insikter som förändrat min syn på teater och hur man repeterar förändrat uppsatsens innehåll skulle den i mina ögon vara förkastlig. Jag har istället valt att skildra den process som jag genomgått som tänkande konstnär, detta i sin tur leder till att jag ibland förkastar konklusioner som jag dragit bara någon dag tidigare..

En tung historia : En undersökning om metalbandet Sabatons historiebruk.

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the heavy metal band Sabatons use of history and to relate it to societal trends in today?s Sweden. I have examined Sabatons music, album covers and music videos in order to define a certain use of history. To do this I have used a use of history theory and a heavy metal theory. My results showed that some of Sabatons use of history could be defined as commercial and that the societal trends in today`s Sweden have in some cases affected the selection and presentation of events and characters that`s been portrayed by Sabaton.

Lokalhistoria i undervisningen : En analys av 6 gymnasielärarnas historiebruk och 4 gymnasieelevers historiemedvetande på några svenska gymnasieskolor.

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Hallandspostens skildring av fotbollshuliganismen : En redogörelse mellan årtiondena 1970 till 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

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